By Stephanie Kim | April 9, 2024 | 0
SEED$ (Southeast Economic Development Fund) is offering a “Money Smart for Small Business” course at its office at 5 Municipal Dr. in Park Hills.
The course begins today and will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday evening through May 14.
Training and Technical Assistant Specialist Steven Brewen is the instructor and there will be multiple special guests speaking.
“This course is for any current or prospective small business owner,” Brewen said. “Whether a person is currently in business or just beginning to think about starting their own business, this is a very beneficial course.
“SEED$ feels like this course will be helpful for folks who are new to operating a small business, especially pure startups. Furthermore, Money Smart is a terrific opportunity for seasoned businesspeople to gain some new knowledge or tune-up what they already know. In short, this class is for anyone interested in operating their own small business.”
The sessions will include subjects such as time and financial management, bank services, insurance, record keeping, and more topics related to owning a small business.
“There is a specific curriculum for each evening,” Brewen said. “There are going to be guest experts for the classes to answer questions, provide insight, and give pertinent examples of small business success via the topic(s) at hand. Money Smart is a low-key event, very discussion-based, and geared toward our participants.
“Each session will cover topics that are important to successfully operating a small business. This is not the first time SEED$ has organized a Money Smart class. That being said, it is the first time in a while that Money Smart is being offered. We are working to have a good response from this class and then gauge how regularly we plan to offer in the future.”
The topics to be covered during the course will include organizational types/tax planning on April 9, banking and financial services on April 16, time management and record keeping on April 23, risk management on April 30, selling and succession/credit reporting on May 7, and insurance on May 14.
“This class is open to everyone and anyone interested in turning their skill or idea into a small business,” Brewen said. “Money Smart, like all SEED$ services, is 100% free. Most will attend each night of the curriculum. Although, folks should be aware that they are able to attend as many or as few classes as they want during this offering. For example, if someone has questions about tax planning but nothing else, they can attend only that session. Money Smart is offered for folks to gain and understand exactly what they need from the experience.
“SEED$ counts Money Smart, and all of our classes, as tangible, community benefits. Having access to free information with expert insight in a professional setting is not something that is regularly available for any purpose. This type of outreach not only strengthens the businesses, and businesspersons who attend. It strengthens the entire community via access to knowledge that is leveraged into stronger local economies and increased opportunities in our area. SEED$ is very proud to offer Money Smart as a general community benefit.”
To register or for more information, call 573-431-4296.